Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cant wait to get to the shore....

I have heard this song so many times...Its been kind of my anthem...

I feel like, right now, I am stuck in the middle of the ocean, on a tiny raft with a slowly leaking hole...Meanwhile, there is every kind of storm known to the world swirling around me...NO, not just some rain, and waves and lightning or thunder...But MASSIVE storm, after storm, after storm, after STORM, that keeps battering me...Over and over...I keep hanging on to the vision in my heart of that "safe shore" ...I cannot wait to get there, lay in the warm sand and BREATHE without swallowing salty water and tears....But, For now, I cling to my leaky raft for dear life, while I search for that light house to give me a beam of light to follow out of this mess...Out of the darkness...Out of the Storms that have engulfed my life...

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